WHAT?! Parenting doesn't come with a HOW TO manual?
But... What if it did? From the daily grind to the big events, milestones, budgeting and teachable moments, managing a family can be a daunting task at the best of times. At any given moment you might be worried about what’s for lunch; how do I stop these tantrums; this laundry! And everything in between. Some will say, yep, that’s life. But what if there was a better way? What if it was easy?
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Parenting is hard work... But, what if it was easy?
Well, it can be. Mindset Family will help you learn the tools to help you approach life’s challenges - big and small - with renewed focus, perspective, trust, and gratitude for how easy it can be.
Reach bigger goals for yourself and your family, transform habits, and improve your self-confidence. Raise resilient kids with mindset hacks designed to help them thrive in any circumstance and guaranteed to serve them into adulthood.
Mindset Family is a unique and creative system that will help you and your loved ones GROW together through life, feeling calm and confident, while everyone reaches their goals. Based on Bob Proctor’s proven Thinking Into Results program, Mindset Family is tailor-made to support families at any stage, and help you navigate all of life’s challenges, big and small.
Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and peel back the layers to reveal the family that lives their dreams? Mindset Family will teach you the tools that will keep you calm, motivated and focused on what matters most to YOU.
Join Mindset Family on Facebook for FREE tools, including workshops, mindset hacks, and pop-up coaching that will help you and your loved ones live your best life together!

Hello! I'm C.J. Smith
The Mother of Invention...
Mindset Family was born from necessity through the experience of solo parenting, while running a business, in a global pandemic, less than a year postpartum. People often ask me, "How do you do it?!" Mindset is my super power, and I can teach you what I know.
Welcome, I’m so happy and grateful that you are here! I’m CJ Smith, a Top Mindset coach globally and #1 in Western Canada. I want to help you achieve your goals and fall in love with the process of manifesting it all!
I’ve studied mindset practices for 15 years and have accumulated knowledge from some of the world’s most influential thought leaders. Today I mentor clients to level-up their success through Thinking Into Results, a proven system developed by my mentor, Bob Proctor. Thinking Into Results gathers Bob’s 60 years of study into one easy to follow, proven system. Do the work, and you'll get RESULTS!
How do you know if we're a fit?
I love to dream BIG and make it all happen. But not in that hustle kind of way. I choose to move through life with ease and joy taking inspired action and following my intuition. I feel my way to my goals and can teach you to do the same. It doesn’t have to be hard but changing results does require commitment. I will work with you to uncover your superpowers and teach you to nurture them. I’m a truth teller and will help you see your blindspots so you can get where you want to be. By working together and challenging your limiting beliefs, you’ll find your inner genius and unleash your true potential. Believe it when I say, you have no idea what you are *really* capable of creating in your life.
Where I’ve been and where I’m at
I am a successful serial entrepreneur and have worked in design, branding, business consulting and marketing for over 15 years. I’m a sought after public speaker and a committed community builder and philanthropist with BIG dreams to make the world a better place.
I’m also a solo mom, raising two amazing humans, while reaching my business goals. Juggling it all is what led me to create Mindset Family, a tailor-made program that supports parents and children through life’s ups and downs using conversation and play-based connection. Based on the 12 pillars of Bob Proctor’s Thinking Into Results, Mindset Family is designed to make life lessons feel fun and EASY!
Work with me
You want something more - for yourself and for your family - but you’re not quite sure what it is or how to get there. Decide today that you’re ready to take the next step. Connect with me and let’s chat.
Street Cred...
Recipient of a Top 20 Under 40 Award, Featured in Elle Magazine, Featured on Canada AM, Featured in the Times Colonist, Featured on CTV News, and a recipient of the Spirit of Minerva Award
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Mindset Magic colouring book.
Connect and create together with Mindset Family colouring pages!

Make it EASY: Join the Mindset Family group on Facebook for FREE Mindset education, community and intuitive material. GROW together with ease, calm and confidence.

Mindset Micro-Missions
Take inspired action together! These creative micro-mindset challenges will bring mindset practice into your day in a big way. They’re so fun that you won't even realize that you’re doing the work!

9 Month Program
Mindset Family is a 9 month program combining the proven principles of Bob Proctor’s Thinking Into Results with children's artwork and play-based activities to nurture engagement, conversation,
connection and joy.
Parenting is hard work...
But what if it was easy?
Well, it can be. Mindset Family will help you learn the tools to help you approach life’s challenges - big and small - with renewed focus, perspective, trust, and gratitude for how easy it can be.
Reach bigger goals for yourself and your family, transform habits, and improve your self-confidence. Raise resilient kids with mindset hacks designed to help them thrive in any circumstance and guaranteed to serve them into adulthood. Ever feel like you’re just going through life, feeling like an extra in your own movie? You can either go through it in survival mode or GROW through it feeling like the hero you are. [This feels like a distraction and I think works better as a talking point in a sales call than in writing.]
Mindset Family is a unique and creative system that will help you and your loved ones GROW together through life, feeling calm and confident, while everyone reaches their goals. Based on Bob Proctor’s proven Thinking Into Results program, Mindset Family is tailor-made to support families at any stage, and help you navigate all of life’s challenges, big and small.
Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and peel back the layers to reveal the family that lives their dreams? Mindset Family will teach you the tools that will keep you calm, motivated and focused on what matters most to YOU.
Join Mindset Family on Facebook for FREE tools, including workshops, mindset hacks, and pop-up coaching that will help you and your loved ones live your best life together!

1: A Worthy Ideal
Principle: Goal setting and achieving worthy goals
Benefits: Explains how to set and achieve goals that promote quantum leaps. Also teaches the process of setting and achieving team / family goals. Individuals set goals that inspire them which helps to move them forward. Individuals are motivated and see themselves as part of something bigger.

2: The Knowing / Doing Gap
Principle: Return on Investment
Benefits: Most training gives individuals information on how to do their job or earn more money. But it seldom results in better results because their paradigm keeps them from acting on what they know. Thinking into Results helps individuals implement what they already know and changes their behaviour to close the gap between what they know and what they actually do.

3: Your Infinite Mind
Principle: Productivity and Efficiency
Benefits: Individuals will replace their non-productive habits with productive habits and become more efficient and productive in their career and other areas of life.

4: The Secret Genie
Principle: Peak performance of individuals
Benefits: Teaches how the mind works. Individuals take a close look at their daily habitual actions to see where they can become more productive. Individuals can break from past results and habitual behaviours to reach peak performance.

5: Thinking into Results
Principle: Innovation and proactive thinking
Benefits: Teaches people how to think and how to analyze new thinking. Helps them realize past results are a reflection of past thinking and to change what they are getting they have to change their thinking. Helps individuals develop creative, innovative, solutions to problems to increase success and happiness.

Lesson 6: Environment is but Our Looking Glass
Principle: Creating a winning self-image
Benefits: Individuals will understand that to be more productive and successful they have to change their image of themselves. They focus less on their past results and what others are doing and more on what they are capable of achieving.

7: Trample the Terror Barrier
Principle: Overcoming barriers to success
Benefits: Individuals gain an understanding of their fears and taking action in spite of those fears. As individuals overcome their fears they become more productive and forward thinking and realize more of their potential.

8: The Power of Praxis
Principle: Aligning actions and results with the individual's vision
Individuals can see the connection between their beliefs and behaviour. When they change from non-productive to productive actions their results can then match their vision and goals. They create the results they are capable of creating.

9: The Magic Word
Principle: The attitude and mindset of a highly successful individual
Benefits: Gives a very complete definition of attitude. Other programs may talk about the importance of having a good attitude, but this lesson explains what it is and how to change it. The result is focused individuals that have their thoughts, beliefs and actions aligned so that they are more productive and efficient. They learn the way to create a positive attitude regardless of the situation.

10: Most Valuable Person
Principle: Effective Leadership
Benefits: Helps individuals develop qualities of leadership in addition to being a follower. Emphasizes the creation of a positive environment where individuals love who they are and the work they do.

11: Leaving Everyone with an Impression of Increase
Principle: Success through service
Benefits: Emphasizes giving with no expectation of return, service to others. It is encouraged to do more and give more than expected. As a result of this lesson, individuals look for ways to make everyone they come into contact with feel valued and appreciated.

12: Magnify the Mind
Principle: Problem Solving
Benefits: Other programs show how to make incremental changes. This program is for a quantum leap, leading to dramatic results in a performance. Individuals are wired for success so they keep getting better and better at what they are doing. Magnifying energy with individuals that are focused and empowered with unprecedented increases in results.
Let's chat. Send me an e-mail to connect.
You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather. ā€“Pema Chƶdrƶn